Friday, March 20, 2009

If You Follow A Cat Long Enough

We have three cats. Tofu, the oldest, a male Siamese. Sia, a female Siamese and her half sister Nara.

My daughters Laura and Vanessa like to grab the camera and follow the cats or dog around. They take a whole bunch of pictures and occasionally when they follow long enough, they'll get an interesting picture. That's Sia who is yawning and Nara who is on the grass.

Since I now have about 500 pictures of the cats everywhere, I'll work with the Laura or Vanessa to reduce those to the best and most interesting. Then I'll delete the rest to save space and the headache in the future of organizing them.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

They Just Grow Up Too Fast

Our youngest daughter Laura was in her first concert recital last week. This year, her first in middle school, she decided that she wanted to play in the band and wouldn't you know it, she picked the oboe!

Bands today sound a lot better than I remember when I played the trumpet, baritone and trombone in middle school. We were all very pleased and proud of Laura's performance.

I guess she can pay attention when she wants to.

Photo Tip: Use focus to center attention. You can create a center of attention by using you lens wide open (lower numbers like 2.8, 2.0 etc) The lower the number, the more control you will have over what is in focus and what is not.

Spring City, Utah

This weekend I travelled to Spring City, Utah for the funeral of Kathleen, a great aunt, one of my grandfathers younger sisters.

Spring City was originally settled in 1852 by James Allred and his sons. The Wakara War caused the settlers to leave for Manti and they later returned in 1859 to resettle the area and call it Spring City.

Spring City is about 100 miles south of Salt Lake City and is now considered an artistic haven with lots of local art galleries and small private museums.

The stone church above was built in 1902 and the influence of the early Danish settlers can be seen in the architecture. The church faces almost due east and so the early morning sun provides beautiful natural light. The annex to the right is a later addition to the buildings original structure.

I used a wide angle lens and framed the church with tree branches. You can see early buds emerging on the trees. Based on your personal belief, the emerging "buds" could represent a "re-birth".